What Do Jehovah Witnesses Believe About The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is seen as not a person but Jehovahs force of action. On the other hand when the neuter Greek word for spirit pneuma is used the neuter pronoun it.
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Jehovah Witnesses say that the Holy Spirit isnt a person because of the neuter gender in Greek.

What do jehovah witnesses believe about the holy spirit. On the use of the masculine the Jehovahs Witnesses argue that because Jesus uses the masculine for the Holy Spirit So when Jesus referred to what the helper would do he used masculine personal pronouns John 167 8. They believe his spirit not his body was resurrected and that God is greater than Jesus. Jehovahs Witnesses believe that the Holy Spirit is a force of God not a Person.
The holy spirit is the same force that God used to create the universe. JWs deny the deity of the third person of the Trinity as either God or as a person. In terms of salvation JWs believe Jesus died on a stake instead of a cross to pay for the sins of humanity.
The Bible however clearly establishes the deity of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the triune Godhead. Jehovahs Witnesses do believe in the Holy Spirit but its defined differently. The Hebrew word here translated active force is also translated spirit.
Jehovahs Witnesses dont believe in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is seen as not a person but Jehovahs force of action. They claim that the Holy Spirit is only an impersonal active force of Almighty God which moves His servants to do His will Reasoning From the Scriptures pp.
Satans main goal is to be. Similar to their view of Jesus Jehovahs Witnesses do not believe the Holy Spirit is equal with the Father. JWs dont believe in the Trinity so each of the three entities are different and serve different purposes.
Rather Jesus is separate from God and was Gods servant on Earth. In Awake a Watchtower publication we read In the Bible Gods Holy Spirit is identified as Gods power in action. Gods active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.
This belief corresponds with their denial of God as a Trinitythree Persons but one God. On the use of the masculine the Jehovahs Witnesses argue that because Jesus uses the masculine for the Holy Spirit So when Jesus referred to what the helper would do he used masculine personal pronouns John 167 8. God or Jehovah is a singular being.
35 God sends out his spirit by projecting his energy to any place to accomplish his will. The holy spirit is the means by which Jehovah exerts his power. The holy spirit is Gods power in action his active force.
One can respond to their claims by pointing to Scripture passages that. Jesus is the Lord and Savior but He is not a part of God. Hence an accurate translation of the Bibles Hebrew text refers to Gods spirit as Gods active force 1 But is this the case.
They do not believe in the Trinity the father son and holy spirit as for example Catholics do. By referring to Gods spirit as his hands fingers or breath the Bible shows that the holy spirit is not a person. And what a force that is.
Jehovahs Witnesses Jehovahs Witnesses deny that the Holy Spirit is a person and often refer to Him with the inanimate pronoun it. They have written But the holy spirit has. They claim that the Holy Spirit is impersonal.
They refer to Him as Gods active force They understand him to just be something like Gods will They miss the multitude of scriptures that point out the Holy Spirit is a person not a force. We cannot comprehend the power needed to create the entire universe. Jehovah Witnesses are led by the spirit of the antichrist their doctrine is satanic filled with deception and false prophesies.
What Do Jehovahs Witnesses Believe About The Bible. The Bible uses the words Holy Spirit and God interchangeably. Put simply the holy spirit is Gods applied power or his active force.
Jehovahs Witnesses liken the holy spirit to electricity an impersonal powerful unseen force under the sovereign control of Jehovah. As I understand it the Holy SpiritGhost is one of the three entities that make up God Himself and Jesus being the other two as part of a Trinity. A Jehovahs Witness will tell you the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force.
Jehovahs Witnesses believe in a supreme God a spirit which has a body but not a human body. The instead believe the Holy Spirit is a force applied by God. They believe the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force that God uses to accomplish His will.
In the Bible the word spirit is translated from the Hebrew word ruach and the Greek word pneumaMost often those words refer to Gods active force or holy spirit. The second verse in the Bible refers to it. Jehovahs Witnesses believe the Bible is Gods inspired message to humans.
The Watchtower 6154 p. Jesus is Jehovahs created son through whom Jehovah created everything else.
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